Thursday, February 17, 2011

Traveling New York

     We actually got a great deal on airfare to NYC which was awesome. We arrived at LaGuardia in the early afternoon and took a cab to the hotel. We'd been told to take a taxi- we'd come out better in the long run versus shuttles or a town car. The taxi cost us ~$40 to the hotel in midtown, which wasn't horrible considering the bridge we crossed into the city was a toll bridge.
     We walked from the east side to west side across Manhattan on our first day. Covering so much ground made us realize we'd be exhausted by the end of the trip if we didn't get smart with the subway transit quickly. Mark and I both purchased a Metrocard for ~$28 bucks each. We enjoyed unlimited subway transit for that price!
     Some people where sharing a single card; however, a family in front of us were sharing and after two attempts the subways gates locked and blocked the next person using the same card from passing through. Seeing this, we decided it was fair enough to pay the price for two and not have to worry about being denied access.
      The hilarious thing was that so many native New Yorkers were disregarding and jumping over subway entry gates. I wasn't exactly stunned, but found I it very amusing. Others just opened the emergency exit door that led to a siren that alarmed gate attendants that just paid little to no attention to the occurrence. This made me a question... If I lived here would I pay fare or just jump the gate??? (Mentally picturing myself jumping over and busting my knee cap in the process.)
     Once arriving to the general vicinity by subway, we walked the streets. So definitely be prepared to do some major walking if you don't want to fork out the dough for a cab! Nonetheless, they're some of the most beautifully busy streets you'll ever experience. Most people you pass are on mission and have somewhere to be 5 minutes ago or are tourists trying to maneuver the city just as you are.  

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